Sunday, November 6, 2011

Badminton Tournament at My Workplace

This is a sharing of how I organized the first badminton tournament at my workplace, Q-Cells Malaysia Sdn. Bhd., Cyberjaya, in Apr year 2011.

Committee List
HR sent out an invitation to all employees to call a meeting to form a committee.
Below are the committees members and their respective department.

Total 16 of us.

Task Assignment
Everyone has got their own tasks below :
  1. Tournament & game Chart development
  2. Umpire and Linesman 
  3. Shuttlecock
  4. Facility & equipment
  5. Food and beverage
  6. Gift and prizes
  7. Court Booking and arrangement
  8. Secretary and communication
  9. T-Shirt design
  10. Treasurer
  11. Photographer

T-Shirt Design
Due to budget constraint, the t-shirt is only for committee members. After gone through 5 design, below are the finalized design.

This is our advertisement for this tournament..

Badminton Courts
Our court was at Prima Avenue, Cyberjaya because this is the nearest and off course... reasonable price, and is nearby few eatery like Old Town, Padi, Wherelse etc.

Tournament Chart
We can't stand but laugh out loud when the drawing of tournament began, this is because some of the team name is really really "Double Trouble", "Q-Cells Luv Us", "Sayur', "kak Limah Balik Utara" etc...:)

Photo Gallery
Open ceremony by our Finance Director Mr.Das.

Mix Double
Umpire and Linesman Briefing

Some of the committee learnt the badminton rules first time in their life... :)

Showing which is "Out" and which is "In"


Men's Double from FM
Fun of learning new things

Women's Single

Men's Double Final

Management In Action

Management In Action

Volunteer Floor Mopping...:)

Prize Giving Ceremony

Men's Double Champion

Men's Double Runner-Up

Men's Double Second Runner-Up

Men's Single Champion

Men's Runner-Up

Men's Single Second Runner-Up (Rep.)

Women's Double Champion - Currypuff Girls

Women's Double Runner-Up

Women's Single Champion

Mix's Double Champion - Jusco Card

Mix's Double Runner-Up

Mix's Double Second Runner-Up

Happy Family - Committees and Management

All the participants enjoy the tournament and hope there will be another one in the near future.

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